10.10.24, 12:00 PM
Electrifying the Future: Journeys in Medium & Heavy-Duty Vehicle Electrification for Reducing Value Chain Emissions
GMA’s Clayton Gerber will be part of this webinar panel hosted by the Environmental Defense Fund’s Net Zero Action Accelerator and the Climate Champions team. A full session description is available here.
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09.17.24, 12:00 PM
GMA Trucking | RFI Information Webinar
This webinar is intended to inform stakeholders about the recently issued request for information that will inform GMA Trucking’s upcoming procurement process for zero-emission trucking service attributes. The RFI seeks to gather information on existing zero-emission vehicle deployments, interest in expanding ZEV fleets, experience with renewable energy and green fuels, and preferences around multi-year offtake terms. Register here for this online event that will share further information on the application of book and claim systems for road transportation, how to respond to the RFI, and how to prepare for the RFP that is expected to launch in fall 2024.
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09.12.24, 12:00 PM
Webinar – Heavy Duty Transport and the Power of Buyers’ Alliances to Unlock Deep Decarbonization
Join us September 12 at noon ET for a no-cost webinar discussing heavy duty transport and the power of buyers’ alliances in unlocking deep decarbonization. Our panel includes GMA’s Kim Carnahan, Ingrid Irigoyen from Aspen Institute and Zero Emission Maritime Buyers Alliance, as well as Andre de Fontaine discussing the new GMA Trucking initiative. This is a don’t-miss event for anyone looking to understand how book and claim and demand aggregation models can be applied across sectors to achieve Scope 3 emission reductions.
Zoom webinar
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