Programs Overview

How We Work

GMA’s initiatives enable companies with strong sustainability commitments to invest in decarbonization actions within their value chains and transform hard-to-abate sectors such as aviation, trucking, cement, maritime shipping, and mining. Our programs aggregate demand for low-carbon goods and services, facilitated by innovative book-and-claim systems, to allow participants to efficiently capture and claim Scope 3 emission reductions in their greenhouse gas inventories while channeling new investment in clean technologies. By activating new sources of funding, GMA and its members accelerate a cycle that increases green commodity production and speeds progress to a net zero future.

Where We Specialize

Book & Claim Design

GMA leads or supports the development of book and claim systems, digital registries that track the flow of environmental attributes, and GHG accounting approaches within emerging environmental markets, allowing buyers and suppliers of decarbonized goods and services to drive impact and grow the market even when they are unable to transact the physical product.

Demand Aggregation

GMA pools member demand to send strong demand signals, giving suppliers the confidence and market certainty they need to scale production

Procurement system design and management

GMA facilitates joint procurements that attract high-integrity suppliers, while offering buyers a credible, transparent, and efficient pathway to contract for low-carbon goods and services within their value chains.

Project coordination

GMA develops pilot projects to procure and deploy new technologies in hard-to-abate sectors that act as proof of concept to inform future rounds of initiatives.