

GMA Chemicals focuses on accelerating deep decarbonization of the chemicals sector, while supporting efforts to address chemicals’ non-climate impacts.

Outputs from the chemicals sector play an important role in our lives. Our food, healthcare, transport, housing, and many other things rely on products from the chemicals sector. However, chemicals production is also the largest industrial energy consumer and the third largest source of industrial CO2 emissions. Not only are the sector’s greenhouse gas emissions significant, they are projected to rise if no action is taken to decarbonize the sector – and the sector is not currently on track to remain within carbon budgets consistent with global climate goals.

While decarbonizing the chemicals sector is critical for the achievement of these climate goals, the complex, distributed nature of the sector, and its heavy reliance on fossil fuels both as energy and as product feedstocks, contribute to making the chemicals sector particularly hard to abate. In addition to emissions abatement, many products from the chemicals sector are also contributors to the global plastics waste crisis.

GMA is convening a core group of partners to establish a framework that will help address these challenges. GMA Chemicals will build market-based tools to remove financial and structural barriers to decarbonization, and will facilitate demand aggregation and collective procurement for low emission chemical products. Email to learn more.

Chemicals production generates over 6% of global GHG emissions

Chemicals production is the largest industrial energy consumer

The chemicals sector is not on track to meet climate goals

Member benefits


Clear guidance and expert support on the identification of high integrity decarbonization opportunities


Access to joint procurement opportunities with potentially lower prices via group RFPs


Educational support to inform your stakeholders how purchasing environmental attributes can support credible emissions reductions and how to account for them in your inventory.